Psychotherapy Group

Would you like to join a psychotherapy group?
This can be done through your practitioner.

What is the Psychotherapy Group?

The Psychotherapy Group is a safe space where you can explore your thoughts and emotions. Our Monday morning psychotherapy group is all about helping you find your path to mental well-being. We blend two evidence based approaches – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Schema Focused Therapy (SFT) – to guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

For whom is this therapy meant?

The Psychotherapy Group is designed for adults who tend to avoid challenging situations, emotions, or relationships. It’s also suitable if you struggle with opening up, building connections, or feel trapped in dysfunctional patterns. These patterns may manifest as avoidance, a sense of dependence on others, or feeling stuck in unhelpful thought patterns. If you resonate with any of these descriptions, this group might be a good fit for you.

What does group psychotherapy look like?

The group offers a secure and judgment-free environment with plenty of interaction. In our group sessions, we integrate cognitive behavioral therapy and schema focused therapy. Together we will explore negative, unhelpful thought patterns, work towards reducing avoidance behaviors, and establish a connection with emotions through experiential exercises. Through assignments, discussions about challenging situations, and homework, you’ll develop skills to change dysfunctional patterns into healthy, more helpful coping mechanisms.

Practical information

The Psychotherapy Group is an ongoing, open group. Our sessions run from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM every Monday at our location in Amsterdam. Reach out to your therapist to ask any questions you may have. They can sign you up and supply you with all the necessary information. 

Neem contact met ons op

Wil je snel geholpen worden? Vul het formulier in of bel ons op 0850645864  om een intake in te plannen. Psycholoog Nederland biedt ook veilige & persoonlijke zorg op afstand. 

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